šŸ«“ OpenAI bribing publishers?

āš”OpenAI steals Googleā€™s thunder

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Fridayā€™s top story: A leaked slide deck has revealed how OpenAI is wooing publishers into letting them use their content to train its AI models. šŸ˜³šŸ˜³

šŸŒ¤ļø This Morning on AI Tool Report

  1. šŸ«“ Is OpenAI bribing publishers?

  2. šŸ”’ Reddit locks down its content

  3. āš”OpenAI steals Googleā€™s thunder (again)

  4. šŸ·ļø TikTok auto-labeling AI content

Read Time: 5 minutes


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OpenAI bribing publishers?

Our Report: A leaked slide deck has revealed how OpenAI is wooing global publishersā€”like The FT and Le Mondeā€”to partner with them so they can use their content to train their GPT models and legally display information, without getting sued.

šŸ”‘ Key Points:

  • The deck revealed that OpenAI has an initiativeā€”the ā€œPreferred Publishers Programā€ (PPP)ā€”that negotiates deals on a per-publisher basis, rather than structuring its deals uniformly.

  • According to the deck, the PPP is just available to ā€œhigh-quality editorial partnersā€ and promises them priority placement, ā€œricher brand expressionā€, and more prominent links.

  • PPP members get a standard rate for allowing OpenAI to use its data and a variable one which is dependent on how manyChatGPT users engage with their displayed or linked content.

šŸ¤” Why you should care: This revelation has sparked concern that commercial models, like ChatGPT, will now start displaying biased content, based on ad spend, a little like Google, perhaps.

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Reddit locks down its content

Our Report: Reddit has announced a public content policy designed to prevent commercial companies from using its user-posted content and data, without an agreement.

šŸ”‘ Key Points:

  • The policy states that those in non-commercial or research outlets can still use its data, but those who plan to use it for commercial gainā€”such as AI trainingā€”will have to pay. 

  • It establishes that partners canā€™t use Redditā€™s content for ad targeting or to conduct ā€œbackground checks, facial recognition, government surveillance, or help law enforcement.ā€

  • It also clarifies that Reddit will not sell private or non-public informationā€”such as messages, emails, or mobile numbersā€”to data licensees, which include AI companies.

šŸ¤” Why you should care: Reddit has published this policy because itā€™s trying to balance its business need to license its content to big tech companies (it already has a licensing agreement with Google worth $60M) with protecting its user's privacy rights.

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āš”OpenAI steals Googleā€™s thunder (again)

Our Report: OpenAIā€™s rumored ChatGPT search engine is expected to be announced on Monday, May 13th, just one day before the king of search engines, Google, starts its annual developer conference (Google I/O)ā€”where it's expected to make some big AI announcementsā€”completely stealing their limelight.

šŸ”‘ Key Points:

  • The ChatGPT-powered search engine was originally expected to be released on May 9th, but reports say OpenAI changed its plans, to gazump Googleā€™s important announcements.

  • Itā€™s thought it will directly challenge Googleā€™s Search Generative Experience by collating information from different sources and giving users summarised answers to their queries.

  • This isnā€™t the first time OpenAI has stolen Googleā€™s limelight: When Google announced Gemini was replacing Bard, a week later, OpenAI announced their text-to-video generator Sora.

šŸ¤” Why you should care: The battle for limelight aside, studies show that while people are curious about AI-powered search experiences, they donā€™t always trust the information theyā€™re presented with, meaning OpenAI has its work cut out if it wants to take the king of search down.


šŸ·ļø TikTok auto-labeling AI content

Our Report: While TikTok already labels content made with TikTok AI, itā€™s started automatically labeling AI-created content made on other platformsā€“like OpenAIā€™s DALL-Eā€“with ā€œAI-generatedā€ to notify users that it was made with AI.

šŸ”‘ Key Points:

  • Theyā€™re doing this by implementing Content Credentials (made by the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA), which Microsoft, Adobe, and OpenAI are already doing.

  • Content Credentials attach data (like where and how the AI-generated content was made or edited) to content that TikTok can then use to recognize and label AI-generated content.

  • TikTok already asks creators to disclose whether content has been made with AI, but this takes the pressure away from the creator and is another way to ensure AI content is labeled.

šŸ¤” Why you should care: TikTok has also announced that, in the coming months, they will also start attaching Content Credentials to content created using TikTok AI, showing a commitment to ensuring that AI content made in TikTok is also labeled when posted on other platforms.

šŸ” Quick hits

  • Mistral AI, is raising funds at a $6B valuation, with DST, General Catalyst, and Lightspeed Venture Partners, interested.

  • Anthropic has defended its decision to partner with both Google and Amazon, claiming it gives them more independence than if they just had one.

  • OpenAI has hinted that ChatGPT-5 will have more personality and be more of a buddy than a prompt engineer.

  • So far, the NY Times has spent over $1M in its copyright infringement lawsuit against OpenAI but insists that this hasnā€™t affected its operations.

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