Anthropic's bold hire

Googleā€™s AI still biased

AI Tool Report

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Thursdayā€™s top story: OpenAI rival, Anthropic, has hired Instagram co-founderā€”Mike Kriegerā€”to lead its product development, as it looks to bring Claude into the workplace.

šŸŽ™ļø Plus: A new podcast episode is out: Listen as an OpenAI consultant talks about Enterprise upskilling with AI.

šŸŒ¤ļø This Morning on AI Tool Report

  1. šŸ”„ Anthropic's bold new hire

  2. šŸŒ± Microsoft's carbon plans unravel

  3. šŸ¤” Googleā€™s AI still biased?

  4. šŸšØ Google spying on calls?

Read Time: 5 minutes

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šŸ”„ Anthropic's bold new hire

Anthropic's bold new hir

Our Report: Anthropic announced that the co-founder of Instagram and Artifact (a personalized AI news-reading app, recently acquired by Yahoo), Mike Krieger, will be joining the company as its first Chief Product Officer (CPO).

šŸ”‘ Key Points:

  • Krieger will oversee Anthropicā€™s product engineering, management, and design efforts in a bid to expand their AI apps and bring Claude (its OpenAI equivalent) to a wider audience.

  • Anthropic CEOā€”Dario Amodeiā€”believes that his background ā€œwill be invaluable, as we create new ways for people to interact with Claude, particularly in the workplace.ā€

  • This statement suggests that alongside consumer-focused projectsā€”like the recently released iOS Claude appā€”Krieger may also be responsible for finding business-focused uses for Claude.

šŸ¤” Why you should care: Anthropic has brought this big-name executive on board just days after its rival OpenAI launched its new AI model (GPT-4o) and Google announced major AI updates at its I/O conference, in a seemingly aggressive push to take on the AI giants.

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šŸŒ± Microsoft's carbon plans unravel 

Microsoft's carbon plan unravel

Our Report: After agreeing to cut its greenhouse gas emissions, Microsoftā€™s carbon footprint has grown by 30% since 2020, thanks to its prioritization of AI development.

šŸ”‘ Key Points: 

  • In 2020, Microsoft pledged to slash its greenhouse gas emissions by half; capture more CO2 emissions than it produced, and become carbon-negative by 2030.

  • Although theyā€™re ā€˜100% powered by renewable energyā€™, this is largely through Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) which donā€™t produce green energy, they just mask true carbon emissions.

  • Last year, their electricity consumption was higher than a small countryā€™s, and their production of CO2 was equivalent to the whole of Haitiā€™s annual carbon pollution.

šŸ¤” Why you should care: AI requires huge amounts of data processing, which is done in data centers on computers that consume a lot of energy, and as big tech giantsā€”like Microsoft, OpenAI, Google, and Appleā€”all compete in the AI race, this presents a wider issue that could affect the global goal of reaching net zero by 2050.

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šŸ¤” Googleā€™s AI still biased?

Our Report: Despite announcing a plethora of major AI updates at its annual I/O developer conferenceā€”including AI search features and a Sora text-to-video equivalentā€”Google still hasnā€™t fixed its biased image generator.

šŸ”‘ Key Points: 

  • Back in February, Google was forced to pause its AI-powered image generator feature after users complained it was creating inaccurate and offensive images of historical people.

  • At the time, the co-founder of Google DeepMindā€“Demis Hassabisā€“said they would fix the issue within a couple of weeks, but weā€™re now in May, and the image generator is still switched off.

  • Experts believe that the issue was likely caused by some lazy hardcoding, that was initially done to rectify bias when training the chatbot, which they're now having to painfully unpick.

šŸ¤” Why you should care: This raises questions about Googleā€™s approach when building its AI models, and in light of their recent AI announcements, some are concerned about how ethically sound their new AI developments will be.

P.S You might want to read the next story, Google is in more hot waterā€¦ ā¬‡ļø 


šŸšØ Google spying on calls?

Our Report: Google demoed an AI-powered scam call detection feature at its I/O developer conference yesterday, aimed at protecting Android users from phone scams, but privacy and security experts are blasting it as ā€˜dangerousā€™.

šŸ”‘ Key Points:

  • The new feature analyzes conversations, in real-time, and detects fraudulent language patterns associated with scams, suggesting that Google might listen to private phone calls.

  • Meredith Whittaker, ex-Google employee and president of the encrypted messaging appā€“Signalā€”warned that this was ā€œdangerousā€ as it's just ā€œa short step from client-side scanningā€.

  • Client-side scanning is when a system scans (voice) content against a database of illegal, harmful, or hateful content, and if thereā€™s a match, it fires a message to the recipient.

šŸ¤” Why you should care: Although this feature has been designed to prevent scams, it has the potential to be abused as Google could easily potentially program the technology to scan for other keywords, therefore abusing user privacy.

šŸ” Quick hits

  • Humaneā€™s AI pin is now powered by OpenAIā€™s newest AI model, GPT-4o, and is reportedly now faster and gives better answers.

  • US Senators have proposed a roadmap for regulating AI, calling for $32B for nonā€”defense AI innovation.

  • Google TV is getting Gemini AI-powered content recommendations based on user behavior.

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Until next time, Martin & Liam.

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