🔓 AI Report — AI x Advertising

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⚡️ Advertising + AI ⚡️

Advertising is a tug-of-war between creativity and data. Crafting compelling campaigns while crunching numbers to prove their worth leaves marketers stretched thin and stressed out.

AI steps in as your advertising multitool. It churns through data, sparks fresh ideas, and gives you time to focus on strategy. In this issue, we'll explore how AI enhances your advertising efforts, from content creation to campaign analysis.

In this AI Report:

  • 💻 Case Study: How AI Increased Website Visits By 800%

  • 🤖 A Key Way to Use AI to Succeed: Creating Content In Your Voice

  • 📚 Further Reading and Supplemental Resources

Read Time: 11 Minutes


💻 How AI Increased Website Visits By 800%

When BestPlaces, the premier source for comprehensive US location data for over 30 years, saw its website visits plummet after a Google algorithm update, the future looked bleak.

BestPlaces built its reputation by delivering digestible, data-driven content about the optimal places to live, work, and visit. However, a simple algorithm change dealt a severe blow to their reach and engagement.

BestPlaces image

But rather than succumbing to the setback, BestPlaces CTO Al Olsen saw a way to innovate. 

"AI is a tool in my belt that keeps the website relevant for our audience," he explained. The company turned to Jasper’s AI-powered content creation API to overhaul their website and give their content a much-needed boost.

By integrating Jasper's API directly into their content platform, BestPlaces automated the creation of over 80,000 unique header paragraphs describing locations across the US.

Jasper api

The results were nothing short of remarkable. BestPlaces witnessed an astounding 800% surge in website visits, shattering previous records and solidifying its position in the market.

Now, BestPlaces is not just back on track but leading the pack, surpassing many of its long-time competitors in both website visits and engagement.

🔑 Key Takeaways for Your Business

  • Embrace AI Innovation: When faced with challenges, look to cutting-edge AI tools to revitalize your content and engage your audience in new ways.

  • Automate Without Sacrificing Quality: AI-powered content creation can streamline processes while maintaining the authenticity and value of your content.

  • Release Resources for Creativity: By automating routine tasks, your team can focus on high-impact initiatives that drive growth and engagement.

  • Adapt and Evolve: A willingness to experiment with new technologies and strategies is essential for staying ahead of the competition.

BestPlaces' journey demonstrates that even in the face of steep declines, a comeback is not just possible, but inevitable, with the right tools and mindset.

Together with Hubspot

hubspot image

This (no-cost) ebook, crafted by HubSpot's top advertising minds, provides curated AI prompts designed to revolutionize your advertising strategy. 

Elevate your content, drive higher conversions, and stand out in a competitive landscape with precise, impactful prompts. Download now and start transforming your advertising efforts now!


1) Creating Content In Your Voice 🗣

Almost everybody has tried using AI to generate advertising content. It's one of the first applications that pops into anyone's head.

But most people's prompts don't go beyond "write me a blog post about x,” and a prompt that generic is bound to get a generic response.

At this point, many people give up on using AI, thinking it's a poor writer when in reality, it's been given poor instructions.

High-Quality Prompting 

Here's a step-by-step workflow for generating high-quality content with AI:

1. Gather examples of past content you've written (social posts, blogs, emails, etc.).

2. Convert content into Markdown format for better AI understanding using tools like Clipboard2Markdown.

paste to markdown

3. Set up a prompt template file in plaintext mode (Notepad or TextEdit).

4. Structure the template with sections: Overview, Instructions, Examples, Sources, and Final Instructions.

5. Use AI tools like ChatGPT or Claude to generate high-quality content.

For example, here's a prompt you could use to generate a blog post introduction:

# Overview

You are an excellent copywriter and can properly mimic any style, format, or tone. You will be given instructions about a piece of content to write. You will be provided with examples of that same type of content on other topics. You may also be given sources to use for factual information.

# Instructions

[detailed instructions describing what to write, walking through the structure of the content piece by piece]

# Examples

[paste in the examples you converted to markdown formatting]

 # Sources

[paste in the the necessary sources]

# Final Instruction

Write the piece of content following all of the instructions, mimicking the style and structure of the examples, and pulling information from the sources as needed. Remember you are an expert copywriter, and produce excellent work.

By providing clear instructions, examples, and sources, you can get much higher quality output from AI writing tools.

Custom AI Trained on Your Blog Content

If you prefer a pre-made tool instead of a custom prompt, then try Reword.

💡 With Reword, you can train an AI co-writer on your unique writing style with the press of just one button.

Here's how it works:

1. Connect your existing blog or content repository to Reword.

2. Reword's AI analyzes your writing style and trains a custom model based on your content.

3. Use the AI co-writer to generate new content that matches your brand voice and style.

4. Ensure content is factual with Reword's citation feature.

5. Generate new topic ideas based on your existing content.

6. Integrate Reword with your CMS for streamlined content management.

By training the AI on your specific writing style, Reword can generate content that sounds like it was written by you or your team, saving hours of writing time while still maintaining your unique brand voice.

"The way you write is unique, the AI you use should be too. This isn't the AI you're used to - Reword gives you the ability to train your Cowriter on the complete spectrum of your writing styles."

Cal Short, Founder of Reword

⚡ With the right tools and workflows, AI can help you generate high-quality, on-brand content in no time.


🎧️ Podcasts & Talks

📖 Books

📲 Influencers

  • Mike Kaput — Chief Content Officer at Advertising AI Institute, Mike Kaput helps businesses use AI to enhance performance, and co-hosts The Artificial Intelligence Show podcast.

  • Chandan Kumar — VP of Advertising at Vassar Labs, Chandan Kumar uses AI to improve customer engagement and optimize advertising campaigns in climate tech.

📃 Articles

📹️ YouTube Tutorials

Want to master 6 crucial AI skills in just 6 weeks? Join the AI Reports AI Skill Sprint—for just $15p/m—on Skool, now!

AI Skill Sprint

What You'll Learn: Course 1 is about finding ways to assess and enhance your organization’s readiness for AI integration. Ben Etherington, from the Founders Forge team, will give you practical ways to align AI with your business strategy and tell you how to implement them across all areas of your business, effectively.

🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 You can connect with Ben on here.

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Until next time, Martin & Liam.

❗To get the full version of this newsletter—complete with the full 3 strategies to succeed with AI + Advertising—and access to all future AI Report newsletters, join the Skool community now.